(05.12.06) I dagens luke
ser vi på en klassiker fra 2002-sesongen da Vaulen vant 3. divisjon
etter en legendarisk sesong. |
Det hele startet borte mot
Torvastad. En ung Ole Bjørn Bredesen kom inn som innbytter og scoret
et legendarisk mål. |
Tross målet plukket
nok Haugesunds Avis noe i blinde da dem kåret Oli til banens beste. |
Legenden forteller at Olemann
brukte en hel dag på jakt etter et eksemplar av HA i byens Narvesen-butikker. |
Legg merke til at referatet
ble skrevet i den perioden da Vaulen Beachboys var på engelsk! |
OLI: Målet
er det eneste Olemann har fått til nå på sine 48 kamper
for A-laget. |
89 min
Ole Bjørn Bredesen |
27. april 2002 - Håland
stadion - Tilskuere: 50 - Serie - Dommer: O A Glette (Vard)
Jan Erik Ahlstrand Pedersen |
Ole Bjørn Bredesen |
-> |
That's the way we like
it - Vaulen trash Torvastad away
Vaulen won 1-0 today after a
late goal from Ole Bjørn Bredesen in front of 50 spectators at Håland
stadion. Consider Vaulen needed five games last season to reach the same
points and only had two away win in total - this is a really good start
for Vaulen to build on.
With much traveling in this
group, there is expected a lot of home wins, but Vaulen surely managed
to cope with Torvastad!
Leader of Sport in Torvastad,
Svein Magne Skeie, was not pleased with the result. "Today we missed the
will amongst the players and we did a poor game. Vaulen was a very ordinary
team that we should had beaten," reflected Skeie to Haugesunds Avis.
Ole Bjørn Bredesen
was big for Vaulen and was awarded as best player on Vaulen according to
Haugesunds Avis. Though Oli also picked up a yellow card from referee Ole
Andreas Glette from Vard.
Next game is on Hinnabanen
versus Vedavåg/Karmøy on Friday 3. May at 19.30. Vedavåg
that opened at home to Buøy and won scarifying 7-0 on Saturday!
With Morten Wiik scoring four goals! V/K is perhaps the big favorite in
this division. An experienced team that last season lost the play off versus
Klepp. However have they now lost important Egil André Vedøy
to FK Haugesund. |